Sunday 30 August 2015


Hello parents! Its the end of August and you certainly know what that means? Back-to-School!!! The first day of the new school session is just around the corner. For some parents and kids, going back to school especially after a long break is petrifying, for some its fun and totally cool. 

Parents have a lot to think about at this time. School fees, making sure the kids have all the necessary school supplies in time, school run, homework, preparing healthy lunches, getting the kids to sleep on time on school nights etc. 

Some parents are already masters at this game while some are still learning. So for those of us that are still learning, here are a few tips to help parents keep calm at this "not-so-cool" time. 

  • Find out from the school exactly what your child needs for the new term. Most schools provide uniforms,P.E outfits and texts and exercise books.  
  • After buying everything needed from the school list, here is a checklist of other items you may have to buy: 
  1. Backpack
  2. Lunch box or bag
  3. Water bottle (non-spill)
  4. School shoes
  5. Trainers
  6. Socks
  7. Underwear
  8. Stationary (pencil, pens, eraser, sharpener, pencil case etc.)
  • About two weeks to the start of the new term, restart the school sleeping time schedule for the kids so that by the time school starts they would have fully adjusted to the routine once again. 
  • Create a school lunch menu, so that you don't have to think about what to give prepare for the child everyday for lunch time. 
  • Do your back-to-school shopping as early as possible so that you sort everything out in time.
  • Last but not the least, make sure your child completed their holiday assignments. It can be so embarrassing when you walk into school with an incomplete assignment. Teachers will be like, what on earth have you been doing all these months??? Its so embarrassing! Lol!

I wish you all a very smooth transition to the new school year. I also pray for God's divine protection on all the children as they go back to school. Much love!



  1. Good review mummy hive. The sleep routine is extremely important. Early to bed early to rise they say. I hate to see when kids wake up looking like they are suffering cos they didn't have enough sleep at night.

    Getting it off my chest from a sick bed

    Taking out a positive frustration

  2. did my mum manage all these with 7 kids. i salute.
    We start learning our own now.
