Friday 30 October 2015

House-Helps....Necessary Evils

Photo Credit: Google Images
  A friend of mine described house helps/house maids (people have different names) as "Necessary Evils". You can't deal with the stress and all the issues they come with, yet you need them. 
   Yes the good ones are very helpful in the house,helping out with cleaning, washing, tidying and going to the market amongst other chores. Some are specially hired to take care of kids (nannies) while some add nanny duties to house chores too. 
   These days, getting a reliable and efficient help is as stressful as job hunting. The days are really evil you know, so there are loads of things people have to consider before bringing in anyone into their homes whether as a live-in helper or one that comes daily and leaves at the end of the day. 
   Some things we need to check include the person's background....get to know a bit about them just in case something happens you would know where to go or who to speak to. Also hospitals and labs have routine tests they conduct on helps when they are brought in. When I hired my help, I took her to a general hospital and spoke to the lady in charge of the lab. Immediately I explained to her she quickly understood and showed me the package they offered and how much it costs. I paid, the test was done and we got results immediately.
   Some people prefer live-in helpers. In my own opinion I think they are more reliable because they live with you hence they are available 24/7 and less likely to disappoint you. The main drawback is that you have to be really patient with them like you are with your own kids. My friend says it's just like having an extra child to train and nurture.
   With daily helpers, they are used majorly by individuals who do not wish to live with people asides members of their immediate families. The drawback with daily helpers range from the fact that you don't know what they get up to those hours they spend outside your house to the fact that they can call you to say that they cannot come in that day for some reasons. They can drop you like a hot potato like mine did sometime ago and what can you do??? There is no contract binding them to work for you so you just can't do nothing about it. Most times when you plan, you have to make provisions such as, "what if he/she doesn't show up today, what do I do?".There is just no certainty with them. 
   About the routine tests that are very popular these days, the thing is.....for daily helpers, since they don't live with you permanently they are are still very prone to catch some of those diseases you have tested them for. So, what do you do? Will you test them every morning they show up at your doorstep? That's totally impossible. For live-in helpers conducting the tests gives you a certain degree of assurance. But you will still send them on errands, they may have to go to can't keep them on lockdown 24/7. Their spiritual lives nko? Their beliefs and principles....let me not go into that today because that is a huge topic on its own.
   Just with every other aspect of life, the issue of house-helps involves big risks. You just don't know what will come out of it. Like I advise all the time, commit it to God, his ways are perfect and he has a way of making every issue simpler for us. Even if you mistakenly hire a bad help, God can help you find out before any serious harm is done. So I pray for God's wisdom and direction all the time, he will never lead you astray. Peace!



  1. Maids?! Not me and those people again oo. Never!

    1. If i share my friends story with u ehhh. She just sent her help away. If you hear the gist, you will have sleepless nights for days!

    2. I can imagine! Some are sent from hell I can bet.

  2. My family always have one or more of such house helps staying in our house at a time... When I was growing up and the never stop messing up in different ways, there was the witch, the concubine, the child molester, the thief but as one leaves another comes.

    1. Necessary evils....some families just can't do without one. But I am of the opinion that if you can do without them then please try and do so. They are really a whole lotta trouble.

    2. Imagine, witch and concubine, na by force?

  3. Hmmm no be and maids again.
    I dey do everything myself now, not easy but i gats to! Maka stories that touch

  4. Seems most people are trying to do without maids. But how do working mums cope? You take the kids to school or creche. What of nights of weekends? If you don't have an older kid to look after the younger ones, what of you and your social life. How do you go out and do your own stuff, attend events especially night stuff. I'm really wondering!!!

  5. well, this is a very vital and serious issue. evryone wish to have a help bt not everyone can cope with the '' (stress). i feel this whole thing will have to come with planning urslf very will definitely not be easy bt we can do it. if it takes doing the chores at nyt like sweeping the house, doing the laundry (wash the worn clothes for that day) at nyt, clean up the kitchen. then by mrnin, u will hv less work to do..bathe the kid(s) n prepare breakfast. it wont be an easy task bt with time u will get used to it.

  6. House-helps, often considered necessary evils, play a significant role in many households. They assist with daily chores, childcare, and maintain the household's functioning.
    While their presence can be beneficial, it is essential to address issues of fair treatment, respect, and ensure their rights and well-being are prioritized.
