Saturday 14 November 2015


Photo Credit: Google Images

Naija Mom nominated me for the Gratitude Challenge and I accepted. Thank you so much Naija Mom, I am hugely grateful. This challenge has a few rules, one of the rules states that the nominee should list five things that they are grateful for. So here they are, five things that I am really really grateful for. 

Friday 30 October 2015

House-Helps....Necessary Evils

Photo Credit: Google Images
  A friend of mine described house helps/house maids (people have different names) as "Necessary Evils". You can't deal with the stress and all the issues they come with, yet you need them. 
   Yes the good ones are very helpful in the house,helping out with cleaning, washing, tidying and going to the market amongst other chores. Some are specially hired to take care of kids (nannies) while some add nanny duties to house chores too. 

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Photo Credit: Google Images

So this is the concluding part of the post "Super Stylish Mum". I hope you were able to pick up one or two points from this article. Once again, a huge thank you to Tyra, the BV that sent in this article, personally I learnt a lot from this especially the "Gucci eye bags part" Lol! It's really not easy to be a super mum and a stylish one at that but there's no harm trying some of these tips. Lets just try okay! Enjoy the article

Monday 12 October 2015


Photo Credit: Google Images

A blog reader sent this article to my mail box yesterday, she said that I should post it on the blog so that everybody can learn. Thank you so much Tyra. I learnt a lot from your article. Much love. 

Friday 2 October 2015


Photo credit: Google Images

I'm back!!! I have missed blogging so so so much, I had a lot of stuff to sort out and I am glad I took time out to do all that I needed to do. Good to be back to the blogosphere. By the way,September is behind us....can you believe it because honestly I can't.

Sunday 30 August 2015


Hello parents! Its the end of August and you certainly know what that means? Back-to-School!!! The first day of the new school session is just around the corner. For some parents and kids, going back to school especially after a long break is petrifying, for some its fun and totally cool. 

Friday 21 August 2015

Finally....Stay At Home Parents Can Earn An Income

Photo Credit: Clipart Images
Fancy being a stay-at-home mum or dad and still earn an income? You have kids and you are tired of staying home all day doing virtually nothing? You are a parent and desire a career that is convenient and fits into family life? 

Thursday 13 August 2015


Photo credit: Clipart Images

I picked up a copy of one of my favourite books to read today. I have read this book over and over again, it's just an amazing book. The writer said somewhere that his father loved to read and write and always encouraged his children to develop a reading habit. That's basically why and how he became a writer. He also said his dad had a little library that had books, maps and little works of art in it. Reading this part gets me really nostalgic each time. 

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Photo Credit: Google Images

How does this even make sense? I have read about 3 or 4 stories this past month about parents that have forgotten their kids in the backseat of their cars. Some of these kids have died from suffocation and heat stroke while others have ended up in critical conditions in a hospital. 

Tuesday 4 August 2015


Yaaayyy!!! Guess what, its my first blog nomination and i am excited much. Favour Moyse and Naija Mom nominated me for the versatile blog award, and i am so grateful for the nomination. 

Saturday 1 August 2015


August is here. Happy New Month people! Wishing you a blessed month. 
Its been raining almost everyday for the past one week. So the weather has been really cold and nice just the way I like it. 

Wednesday 29 July 2015


Photo Credit: Google Images
Finallyyyyy i got to watch 30 days in Atlanta. Whoop whoop!!! Yea yea! I know its been out in cinemas since forever, I'm so late with this movie but I'm glad i finally got to watch it. It was HILARIOUS even though my sisters thought otherwise. Lol! Thumbs up AY!

Monday 27 July 2015


Photo Credit:
Clipart Images
My older son is a big time food lover. He eats round the clock, always munching on something. I really don't mind, i honestly prefer it to not eating at all....that can be so stressful trust me. 

Sunday 26 July 2015

Monsters....stop those creepy crawlies!!!

Mango Fly
Photo credit: Google Images

Oh no, I haven't been this traumatised in a while. I took my child to the clinic for routine immunisation and i saw the most nerve wracking thing ever. 

A boy of about 5-6 years was brought in by his parents, I managed to hear them because they spoke to the nurse that was supposed to administer the immunisation to my son.

Friday 17 July 2015

SPANKING- A good form of child discipline or not?

Photo Credit: Google Images

Spanking is an act of slapping a child on the bottom using an open palm. Some people classify spanking kids as corporal punishment and a form of physical abuse while some others view spanking as a type of discipline and means of correcting

Thursday 16 July 2015


Photo credit: Google images
It was really interesting today as i asked a couple of mums why they use the "Baby on Board" sticker on their cars. The answers i got were very hilarious. 

The first mum said she started dreaming of the B-O-B sticker when

Monday 6 July 2015


Photo credit:Google images 

I read an article recently and discovered that paediatricians in America do not recommend TV for kids under the age of two. And kids older than two should not spend more than two hours per day watching TV. I was shocked and puzzled at the same time. 

Friday 3 July 2015


Photo credit: Google images 

Happy New Month! July is finally here!!! I pray that the Lord Almighty will grant you your perfect heart desires this month and

Monday 29 June 2015


Hello!!! Its a brand new week. July is almost here. My goodness 2015 is half way gone. So this post is kinda late but i really want to tell you guys about it.

Saturday 27 June 2015


Finally here comes the end of the baby shopping series. I hope and believe that it has been very useful to some one out there. Like i said my posts are basically my personal experiences and few challenges i have encountered as a parent, so let this serve as a guide for all parents and first time parents. 


Hello guys! Its so surreal how time flies. Can you believe its the end of the month already. Wow!!! So amazing. I am so sorry for posting this really late, i have been incredibly busy lately. I have had little or n

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Hello gorgeous people. Hope you are having a great week. I sure am. I promised you in my previous post to compile a baby shopping list. So here it is, i hope you find it very useful. 


1. Baby Cot/Moses Basket(plus mattress and sheets): I used a Moses basket for the first three months for my kids after which I transitioned to a baby cot. For the baby cot i prefer the travel cot which you can fold away when baby outgrows it. The wooden cot is really lovely and attractive but it sort of becomes a nuisance when baby outgrows it especially if you do not have a storage room to keep it. But if you do not have issues with space or storage then the wooden cot is a lovely choice. 
Wooden cot

Foldable travel cot
Photo credit: Google images                             

Moses basket/cot
Photo credit: Google images

2. Sleep-suits 

3. Vests/Short sleeved suits   

4. Shawl/Blanket

5. Hat, Mittens & Socks: Mittens have become sort of a fad for parents. Majority of the pictures i have seen recently, almost all the newborns have a mitten on. So are mittens really necessary? Well, its actually  called a scratch mitten and it is used to prevent the baby from accidentally scratching and hurting their delicate faces with their really sharp nails. Some parents also use it to protect the baby's hands and fingers when its cold. 
Tip: If you cannot buy a mitten or you lose yours, please use a pair of socks. Its a great substitute

Scratch Mitten
Photo Credit: Google Images

6) Changing Mat: I find this extremely useful especially the foldable ones that i can easily pop into my baby bag when I'm out and about with the kids. When baby does a really messy number 2, a changing mat can really save the day. 

Ok guys, thats the end of one part of the shopping list. I apologise for making it this long. I just did not want to leave anything out. Please look out for my next posts to see the remaining parts of this post. 
Do not forget to drop your comments in the comment box, i really would love to read them. 

Monday 15 June 2015

BABY SHOPPING : What you really need.

So you are expecting, you are going to be a yummy mummy or a proud daddy soon. You are over the moon, super excited and thankful. Yaaayyyyy!!!!!!!! 

Pregnancy is a lovely experience. It is a smooth, graceful journey for some women and for some others its a nerve-wracking nine months. My experience in both pregnancies were pretty similar. In each pregnancy i had the usual first three months of fatigue, general feeling of being unwell, loss of appetite, occasional headaches, spotty chin, tender breasts, funny cravings, sudden dislike for meat and cooking, frequent trips to the loo. The remaining 6-7 months, i was pretty calm and nice, well apart from the crazyily intense back ache i had in the final weeks of pregnancy. 

Ok, back to my topic- Baby Shopping! There are tons of attractive baby stuff out there to choose from. The tough question is,what do i really need to buy for my baby? 

While shopping for my first baby, OMG! I wanted to raid all the baby stores, I completely lost control. Lol! I wanted anything baby and everything baby. A lot of first time mums and parents can totally relate to this. After i put to bed, i realised i did not use a whole lot of stuff i had earlier purchased. For instance baby outfits, i bought a lot of newborn outfits. The cute tiny tops, the tiny baby jeans and suits. So so so amazingly tiny and cute!!! You just want to have them all. So yes I splurged! I bought a whole lot and eventually did not get to use up to a half of them. 

I found the baby sleep-suits( overalls) and body suits very useful at this stage. Bear in mind that you only need a few first size clothes as newborns grow very quickly. They go through a growth spurt in the first few weeks of life. So when i was shopping for my second baby i invested more on body suits and sleep-suits but I still did not splurge because like i said earlier babies grow so quick. 

Sleepsuits and bodysuits
Photocredit: Google images

I could go on and on about outfits, but i will just go ahead and compile a comprehensive list for all first time parents to use as a guide especially if they are on a tight budget. 

To see my baby shopping list compliation, kindly check out my next post. 

Have a BEAUTIFUL week y'all!  
Don't forget to drop your comments in the comment section and to get my blog updates sent via email please subscribe by entering your email address in the subscription box. 


Friday 12 June 2015

Welcome to MummyHive Diaries

            Photo Credit: Google Images

Hello beautiful people. This post is to officially introduce my blog to you all. I chose the name Mummy Hive because this is basically a blog about motherhood (mummy-hood) as i love to call it. Then the word "hive" came to my mind because I thought of a platform, a home sort of, an audience, a place for mothers and fathers to share ideas, inspire one another, talk about the joys and challenges of motherhood and help each other in any way and every way. So MummyHive Diaries is a blog about the adventures, tales, joys and challenges of being a mum and a parent.

Just to let you know, i have zero knowledge about blogging so pardon me as i will be learning on the job. I have learnt a lot over the years and still learning about mum and baby related matters and I would love to share some of them to "mums-to-be", first time mums and even daddies and any other individual that would love to read about my experiences.

Before i go on, i would love to let you know that i am a proud mum to two lovely boys. My first son is ZD, he was born in 2012 and my second son is ZB and he was born in 2015. I had my first son at the age of 22 and my second son just before i clocked 25. So i have a child currently experiencing the "terrific two's" stage and another child who is an infant and trust me you know how demanding it is to nurse an infant.

Motherhood is lovely, its fun, its crazy at times especially when you have a hyperactive child like ZD. OMG! Mummy-hood is interesting and fulfilling, it's so rewarding to know that you have the  responsibility to take care of life and in my case two lives. It's  just a blessing that i pray every woman would experience at the right time of their lives.

So i noticed a lot of people (mums especially) keep asking me "How do you do this for your kids" or How did you do that? Where did you get that? What's your opinion on this? How did you achieve this or that? I seem to have acquired a lot of knowledge about general stuff especially because i read a lot ( books, magazines, blogs, newspapers and of course TV) so i thought why not start a blog! Its the 21st century so i thank heavens we have a lot of digital mummies and parents with their smartphones, laptops, iPads just to name a few. Lol!

Also, i am a Christian. I love God and i represent God wherever i go so from time to time i would post Christian and Godly articles for parents just to inspire and encourage each other because honestly its not easy, some days are bright and fun while some days are so demanding and challenging. Kids can stretch you till you almost break (i call it my elastic limit). I actually get through such days by Gods special grace and favour.

So here it is, my blog, our very own blog. MummyHive Diaries. I'm super excited about my blog, please spread the word to your friends and loved ones. Tell them about MummyHive Diaries.
